I hope you are as excited as we are about the upcoming Sales Manager as Talent Champion workshop.
Below you will find a few pieces of information to guide you on what needs to be done in preparation for your participation on this workshop. Please read this pre-workshop memorandum carefully so that you are fully familiar with what you need to do in order to come to the workshop well prepared.
1. Workshop Logistics
Scheduled Dates: 13th & 14th August 2013
Starting times:
13-Aug-13 – 08:30 through 17:30
14-Aug-13 – 08:30 – 17:00
Workshop Venue:
Focus Rooms
The Core, 1st Floor South,
Cnr Kikuyu and Leeuwkop Streets
Sunninghill, Sandton
Important Note About Starting Times:
i. Classes will start and end on time.
ii. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so that you can get grounded and connected with your colleagues for THIS training experience.
iii. Please do not bring your laptop to class – there will be no opportunity / space for you to work on your laptop during these two days.
2. Your Workshop Facilitator(s)
Your workshop facilitator will be Igshaan Soules and Gary Graham.
Igshaan is a Certified Professional Co-active Coach, having completed the highly credentialed Coaches Training Institute’s coaching program. Igshaan is a member of the International Coach Federation and a former faculty member for the Coaches Training Institute, a leading coach training company based in California. Igshaan has trained hundreds of professional coaches and leaders in coaching skills and have facilitated training in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway and South Africa.
As a professional coach, Igshaan has coached in leading organisations such as Standard Bank, Nedbank, Investec, FNB, Nissan, Metalon, City of Johannesburg, etc. He coaches primarily senior managers and C-Level Executives.

Gary Graham has been enabling individuals, teams and organisations to unleash their own unique transformation capacity. As an executive & team coach, impact entrepreneur, facilitator and keynote speaker, he is acknowledged globally for his ability to ignite possibility in people and organisations.
He is Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC) having been trained by the Coaches Training Institute (California) and a member of the International Coaches Federation (ICF). His key areas of expertise include impact entrepreneurship, leadership, transformation, human capital development, personal excellence, diversity management and high performance team development.
3. Your Journey to the Mondelez Sales Manager as Talent Champion Program.
It’s our intention to have you fully experience coaching others and being coached by others in this workshop. This experience will form the basis of your learning and your understanding of what coaching is and how learned coaching skills can help you have greater impact as a Sales Leader in Mondelez International.
Therefore, in preparation for this learning experience, there are several things we would like for you to do.
Step 1:
Sign into your Leadership Jixsawbox Portal
You can create your username and password by following the link below.
Here you will find all the material you will need to fully participate in the upcoming course.
A video providing an overview is available here and in your Leadership Jigsawbox.
Step 2:
Complete the Pre-course Assessment and Reading Material
In the Leadership Jigsawbox Portal you will find the Sales Leadership Reality Check self-assessment and details on how to complete it. The purpose of this self-assessment is to offer you an accurate self-assessment of how you see your current reality as a sales leader.
There will also be reading materials for you to work through prior to the course. You will find all this under the “Pre-Course Work” tab.
Step 3:
In-course coaching client
On Day 2 (morning of 14th August), you will be required to coach / or be in a coach-like conversation with a colleague. This person MUST NOT BE a course participant. We would encourage you to choose someone you are truly interested in developing as a colleague. Alternatively, invite a sales rep from another team to work with you for this exercise.
More information about this is available in the Leadership Jigsawbox Portal under the “Pre-Course Work” tab.
4. Workshop Etiquette
The Mondelez Sales Manager as Talent Champion program is a fully experiential learning intervention. As such, what you get out of the program will depend on how willing you are to “play” with us.
- Come to class willing to participate fully – come with several issues you’re willing to be coached on whether these are work related or personal. The Sales Reality Check assessment could offer you insights.
- Throughout the two days, we will use real issues to demonstrate concepts. Coaching demonstrations in the workshop will be based on a real issue you and your colleagues are currently experiencing, instead of role-play.
- It is important that you come prepared to spend the full two days at the workshop. If you miss more than 1.5 hour on any particular day you MAY BE ASKED to leave the workshop as your absence are more than likely to impact others’ learning experience.
- Come dressed comfortably – bring a snack along to keep the energy up as you will need it. (There will be refreshments and meals during breaks and lunch).
- All participants will be treated equally – whilst the facilitators will be conscious of your role in the organization, the course is designed so that everyone is treated and participates equally.
- Confidentiality is a key element of the course. Please come prepared to share within this context as well as honor the confidentiality of the information being shared with you by your colleagues.
The facilitators will talk more about the above at the beginning of the workshop.
5. Leadership Jigsawbox Portal
All course notes, reading lists, tools, templates, exercises and frameworks will be available through the Leadership Jigsawbox Portal. The toolbox will also contains some audio and audio-visual material of the course content where relevant.
There is a discussion forum where you can raise any issues you would like. This is a place for community conversation – unlike your private learning area. The discussion is only open to Mondelez International participants of THIS course.
You can find a video introduction by clicking the following link.
After Review and Accountability
This module is an important module in your Leadership Jigsawbox Portal. Instructions for what this module is about and how to use it is included under the module. You will use this module for work you will be required to do over the next several months.
More information about this will be given during the workshop or via email notifications.
If you need more information please speak to Wilma as your first port of call. You can also contact Igshaan on 083 633 0999 or email him on igshaan@acclaim.co.za
See you soon.
Wilma, Igshaan and Gary